Friday 30 September 2011


1.   What year are you in?
All 7 people answered with year 12
This shows all the pupils are in year 12
2.   What gender are you?
5 answered male 2 answered female showing more than half are male.

3.   Which of the following mastheads do you prefer?
King henrys 2 votes
KHS 3 votes
Schools out 1 vote
Kings head 1 vote
Other (please specify)

From the number of votes I learnt “KHS” was the most popular masthead.

4. Which of the following slogans do you prefer?
      For the students by the students 2 votes
      Bringing the facts so you can relax
      KH keeping with the times
      All you need to know 2 votes
      We have issues… 3 votes
       Other (please state)
“we have issues….” Had the most votes here, this is because many people found the pun

5. How much would you pay for a school magazine?
Less than 50p 3 votes
50p-£1 3 votes
£2-£3 1 vote
This was a tie between “50p-£1” and “less than 50p”
The price will be decided by the cost of production but will likely be the more expensive one.

6. Please circle five of the following stories you would be interested in reading about in a school magazine
Sports 4 votes
Teachers 5 votes
Exams 2 votes
New lifts 5 votes
Buildings 2 votes
Clubs 4 votes
Activities 3 votes
School trip 4 votes
Canteen 1 vote
Food 2 votes

The five most popular stories are “sports” “teachers” “new lifts” “clubs” and “school trip” although it had less votes I would choose “activities” over “new lifts” because there would be a wider range to discuss on the topic.

 7. Which of the following images would you want to see on the front cover of your schools magazine?

School teams/clubs
Teachers 2 votes
6th formers 3 votes
Year 7-13 2 votes

Most votes went to 6th formers so they will become one of the main images, I was surprised school teams/ clubs received no votes but I would probably include it anyway as a secondary image separate to the main one.

8. Which of the following colours do you associate with KHS (circle as many as you want)?

RED 1 vote
BLUE 1 vote
YELLOW 1 vote
GOLD 3 votes
BLACK 1 vote
WHITE 2 votes
Other (please state)

“GOLD” was the most popular colour and will be the primary colour for titles and borders, and I will most likely use black and white as secondary colours for text or background colour.

9. Who do you think the magazine should be aimed at?

Year 7 2 votes
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11
Sixth form 2 votes
All 3 votes

The highest votes went to “all” this was not an option in the questionnaire but several people suggested everyone was included in the audience range.

10. Would you want to buy a school magazine?
Yes 7 votes
No (please state)

All voted yes for this provided it was affordable.