Friday 30 March 2012

contents page

ive played around with the borders and font to try and make the bolg look cleaner

Thursday 22 March 2012

other option

this is another version of the article in a different colour scheme if done this because it fits better with the theme of the magazine however the other one was easier to read


above you can see the two images of my article, one with the picture of an NME article as a guide and the other without.

double page article research.

ive began looking at images on the web of double page articles. i like the layout of image number four so will probably baes my double page layout around this one.

where the idea came from.

in one of my media lessons there was a contents page that stood out to me, so i have used it as a template and proceeded to sketch it out on paper before adding my own images colours and text to it.

more double page spread work.

i then added a border to the bottom of the main image and brought the pictures in the secong page inwards a bit morewhile making the text collomn wider. ive done this becaus eit makes the magazine contents page apear cleaner.

changed colour in double page spread.

i have played around with the colours and have decided to go for a deeper shade of red as it stops the title nd red text from blending in with the background colour. all thats left to do is add two stories and album review and five photos before i begin work on the final draft.

Friday 9 March 2012

this is the developed  contents page, its based off an NME contents page

Tuesday 6 March 2012

i have added some content and began to tidy up the draft for the contents page, giving it black edges to mask some of the white.